Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Break out the rabbit food.

I'm pre-diabetic.

Glucose high, cholesterol high, triglycerides high, HDL low. Not a death sentence by any means, but pretty depressing news. I guess I've always expected genetics and a lifestyle of sitting at a desk and eating cheeseburgers would catch up with me, but I expected to be older when forced to make those changes.

I don't like fish, and I don't care for most vegetables, so it looks like a lot of chicken and salad (and chicken salad) from here on out. It's depressing enough I'm starting to weigh whether it would be better to live to 95 but be miserable for the next sixty years, or to live not quite as long and enjoy a steak once in a while.

At least my blood pressure is O.K. For now.

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