Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Back to work, slave

So my vacation came and went and, on the surface, we did nothing.

Sure, there's a patch of dirt in my lawn where weeds and rose bush stumps used to be, and I had the sore muscles to prove it for a few days. We made the rounds and visited with friends and fam, and yes, I was asked to fix not one but two computers.

Still, I felt refreshed at work yesterday for the first time in who knows how long. Our other "vacations" have been so physically or psychologically demanding (I survey theme parks the same way military advisors look at satellite recon), it was nice to live at a more relaxed pace. And the alone time with my wife and sleeping in are also nice.

The only real downside is we did little to no cooking last week, which is alarming since it wasn't like we were too tired from working during the day to cook. We might've ate right through our mortgage payment, but hey, we were on vacation!

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