Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I think New Year's resolutions are pretty lame normally, since it's kind of pointless to wait until a new year comes along to change something you don't like about yourself. Nevertheless, I have a bunch for this year.

  • First and foremost, I need to stop gnawing up my fingers. I have a nasty nervous habit of biting my dry-ass cuticles, until they bleed sometimes. Now that I'm a working professional and have to shake a hand every once in a while, it's gotta stop.
  • Stick to a budget. Part of this is eating out less and cooking more. Doing pretty well so far, mainly because I've been working at home more. Instead of getting home by six, demoralized and downtrodden from Bay Area traffic, the food's almost done by then.
  • Lose some weight, and actually keep it off. Umm, let me get back to you on that one. Not doing so well...Rome not built in a day.
  • Elminate the massive backlog of stuff I need to watch. I have been buying DVDs and (legally) downloading anime from BitTorrent for a long time and partly due to the wedding, partly due to sharing a TV with someone else, partly due to having a life - I just don't have the free time I did when I was single. Gradually, I have to watch some of this stuff to stop being that guy who gets told, "What?!? You haven't seen <fill in the blank>?!?!?" Maybe I get this off to a good start by watching the last nine episodes of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.
  • Blog more. Lucky you.

We'll see how it goes. Watch this spot for any update on my triumphs and failures.

Or, if I don't do well on that last one, never mind.

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