Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Germ warfare

Having a first-grade teacher for a wife has its disadvantages. One of those being first-graders aren't very good with personal hygiene. So it's not a huge surprise that one of the little rugrats got Rhonda sick, and she's passed it on to me. She's got seven of her nineteen kids out sick, so it could be any of them.

That brings me to one of my pet peeves - parents who send their kids to school sick. I understand it's difficult to find a sitter, and not everyone can work from home, but if your kid is contagious, they shouldn't be at school spreading it around to everyone else.

While I'm on the subject, perfect attendance is the most trumped-up concept in education. It seems to me the only reasons the perfect attendance award exists are to prepare our children to be good worker bees and show up to the office no matter how sick they make the people around them, and because the school loses money when kids aren't in class. I never had perfect attendance, and I got good grades and turned out okay. I don't think I ever got Giants tickets or special rewards for getting good grades. But perfect attendance? Let's send that runny-nosed kid to a baseball game!

So whoever you are out there, who sent their kid to my wife's class sick, thanks a lot. Thanks to you, I've got a fever and wobbly, sore legs and phlegm the size of a baseball in my lungs.

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