Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The iBOok

Another reason to hate Apple: Rhonda is doing progress reports and is using her school-issued iBook. And it smells like feet. Or armpit. It's so bad that, sitting here on the couch, I'm thinking about moving.

We've tried leaving it open to air out, but that hasn't worked. She only uses it to do progress reports and report cards. Meanwhile, this Dell Latitude C400 smells like...nothing.

The iBook funk is reportedly caused by heat and given off by the plastic used for the translucent keys. I would rather not be able to see my keyboard in the dark then to smell like Telegraph Avenue every time I boot up.

Someone had posted about it on the Apple website message boards, but mysteriously that post has disappeared. We'll have to try throwing a dryer sheet between the keyboard and screen.

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