Thursday, March 24, 2005


Best Buy sucks.

You think they would've had a handle on this, but I went down to Santana Row right before 7 to pick up a PSP. There weren't that many people there, maybe forty. I see some workers having a smoke out by the loading dock and I ask them how many PSPs they have.


So I hop in the car and head for Milpitas, my contingency plan being to check Wal-Mart and then try my luck with the Milpitas Best Buy. If I get nothing I use my red Costco card to give that a shot at 10. I drive by Best Buy and the line is longer than at Santana Row, and it dawns on me the smart people would've saw that Wal-Mart opened at 7, tried there first, then headed to Best Buy to get line for when the store opened at 8. I get there about 7:15 (I could really cut some time off my commute if I got up at 6 every day) and the store is already open.

I head for electronics, expecting savvy shoppers to have already cleaned out the PSP stock. But nope, they have about fifteen still. This is after the store has already been open twenty minutes. Best Buy isn't opening for another forty. I pay cash with my poker winnings.

People are not as smart as I give them credit for. Did I mention it's like chilly outside? One guy tells me he asked someone at the Milpitas BB and he also said they were only going to have twenty PSPs.

So I was in my office plugging my PSP in to charge at about the time I expected to be sitting outside Best Buy, drinking coffee and praying they have enough.

On a side note, I heard a couple of Wal-Mart employees talking about how two people put PSPs on layaway. Why? What is the point of getting up early and going down to buy something the day it comes out if you're not going to leave the store with it?

At lunch, I will try to hunt down some games.

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