Monday, November 21, 2005

I'll sleep well tonight.

Morgan Quitno has released their annual survey of America's safest and most dangerous cities. San Jose is the safest city in America with a population over 500,000. We live in the safest city in America, so yay for us!

I guess that justifies the outrageous property values. You get what you pay for, I guess.

Unfortunately, my hometown of Stockton is the sixth most dangerous metropolitan area in America. I'm not sure what makes a metro area different from a city, but it's definitely ghetto. Things must be getting worse in Stockton (or better everywhere else), as they were 11th most dangerous last year.

Funny thing is, Rhonda and I have lived in Stockton for so long we are conditioned to lock every door, avoid eye contact whenever possible, and always look over our shoulders. It must look pretty funny to people out here.

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