Friday, January 07, 2005

Open letter from 49er owners to fans

Well, here it is.

I gotta hand it to them to have the guts to reach out to their (disgusted) fan base, but it's all talk unless they spend some money to back it up. They're not going to get Pete Carroll (if Pacific could have kept Carroll or Walt Harris, would they still be playing football there?) and I can't imagine what they will use to lure a coach here, or free agent for that matter. Lemme see, bad stadium, cheap ownership, an utter lack of talented offensive players...

I've taken a pledge not to purchase any 49ers merchandise or pay to see them play until the Yorks sell the team or at least make an effort to be competitive. (The only thing standing in the way of that would be a Niners Aaron Rodgers or J.J. Arrington jersey.) As weak as the entire NFC was this year, the 49ers must really, really suck to finish 2-14.

The Yorks say, "no one expected a 2-14 season." That's not exactly true. Before they'd even taken a snap, I said they would be lucky to win three games. Rhonda said they would win one. We were both pretty close.

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