Monday, October 25, 2004

Good times, good times...

So I got married. Hope everyone who could make it had a good time, we know we think we did (we'll have to see the video to confirm). It is completely true that the whole thing is a complete blur. I was just hoping I didn't screw up my lines.

My advice to young couples planning to get married: if you can afford it, go for the open bar.

So Rhonda and I tied the knot Saturday, September 18, 2004 at 3 in the afternoon. On Sunday we opened our gifts at her place, and headed back to our apartment in Campbell, near San Jose. Exhausted, we hauled our stuff up the stairs, collected a fat stack of bills, and opened the door to the beeping of the answering machine.

Rhonda got a call from her professor from last semester at San Jose State, where she is getting her teaching credential. He recommended her for a long-term temporary position at O.B. Whaley Elementary in the Evergreen School District, which is a really excellent school. In addition, there are some openings at that school next fall, and if they like her, she could be hired permanently.

An e-mail and a couple of phone calls later, and Rhonda was off to meet with the principal Monday morning. By the time we left Wednesday for our honeymoon, she had the job. She now has an emergency credential, a steady paycheck (goodbye, unemployment), and a roomful of first-graders.

Oh, and when I returned to work at Sun, I found out I'd been promoted. At least so far, married life is good.

So if you haven't seen much of us lately, that's why. That doesn't even mention all those new appliances and kitchenware we had to clean, or the messy apartment we let go to hell while we frantically rushed to pull off our wedding.

I haven't even got to play Fable or X-Men Legends very much. Paper Mario is still in the shrink-wrap. Sigh.

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