Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Jack Bauer uses my phone. Yeah.

I was watching the second episode of 24 Season Five tonight (yeah, I know, way behind) and Jack Bauer uses my phone, the Treo 650! (Except he uses Sprint instead of Verizon Wireless, so I'm wondering how he was able to talk to CTU without his call dropping.) Still, it's great to know that when America's top bad-ass counter-terrorist agent (who likes to speak in hushed tones all the time) needs a cell phone, he buys the same one I do.

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He obviously has a slightly better phone than I do as well, since his camera has incredible zoom and resolution (hell, he's Jack Bauer) and he can talk to Chloe on his phone WHILE IT'S REBOOTING.

Screen grabs of Jack's Treo in action are at Treonauts.

It's nice to know if I ever need to blow up a terrorist's explosive-laden vest, my Treo 650 can get the job done.

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