Thursday, July 07, 2005

Lights-out weekend

Saturday was Moving Day. We had lots of help and, although we weren't totally packed, got most of the important things in the new house. Our help stuck around for a couple hours to watch the Giants game and have some appreciation tacos and beer, and after they left I got started putting together our bed.

We could hear that some people in our neighborhood were getting an early start on the July 4th weekend, as there were some firecrackers going off. So I had gotten about halfway through the bed when the lights dimmed a little. Then they were out.

I couldn't make this up.

Rhonda and I got a little panicky. After all, it was pitch black at 11 o'clock, we weren't very used to the layout of the house, God knows what was littered all over the floors, and neither of us had a clue where the flashlights, candles, or matches were. There was also the creeping feeling that maybe our new house had some electrical problem no one had told us about.

After stumbling around in the dark, one of us had the bright idea to find our cell phones. So in the dim glow of our phones, we were able to find the mattress and our pillows and set up camp on the living room floor. I went outside and saw the street lights were out, which made me relieved that it wasn't just our problem.

In the morning, we met our neighbor Kimo from the down the street, and he told us this is only the third time in thirty years the power has gone out. Lucky us, I guess. We didn't get power until three in the afternoon.

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