This was actually a giant pain for me. When we moved in, there was big giant rock on our weedy and overgrown lawn. I bought a mower and had the rock hauled away (to the dismay of my dad, who uses exclusively uses landmarks for directions and can't find my house). I killed most of the weeds (the noticeable ones, at least) and took out the rose bushes.
The sprinkler placement was brutal. There was a 360-degree sprinkler just a few feet from the corner of the lawn, so the fence and wall of the garage were pelted with water. The sprinklers closest to the street ended about 3 feet short of the sidewalk. To make sure the corner bordering the street and the driveway got water, some hack installed a 180-degree head, so water shot out 10 feet into the street.
There were lots of lava rocks in the first 3 feet or so of the lawn, which I started tossing in my backyard. I discovered, to my dismay, that someone planted sod *over* the rock, so digging up to move the sprinklers was a pain and was done mostly with a trowel and by hand. On the other side, where there wasn't any turf, there was a lot of dirt in between the rocks, allowing weeds to flourish.
In the end, it took a few weekends to get rid of most of the rocks, move the sprinkler heads to the edge of the sidewalk, and plant sod all around the various utility boxes in my yard. I also got an adjustable sprinkler head for the middle sprinkler so it kind of shoots around the garage. I finished this up back in May but forgot to post it during my lengthy hiatus.
Unfortunately, some of the sod dried out since I took this picture. Some of the strips were too small (trying to fit in between the boxes) or are a little brown along the edges. Hasn't helped it heated up in a hurry after a long winter. Still, it's green, and looks better than it did. I'm sure some fertilizer and more water and it'll be good as new.
The backyard, on the other hand...well, at least I have a fence.
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