Friday, September 30, 2005

Fun While It Lasted

So I post about the Giants' miraculous comeback, then in Game 2 they go up 3-0 in the first on a Bonds homer. All looked good.

Then Brett Tomko took the mound.

The Giants, in true 2005 form, followed up one of the best performances of the season with one of the worst. Misssed opportunities and gift runs abounded, capped by an inning where the Giants gave up a walk, another walk, an error, and a grand slam. 4 runs, 1 hit, 1 error.

No surprise then when the Giants were listless in Game 3, and the Padres clinched. The Padres have been hot ever since (St. Louis, watch out) and the Giants have looked...defeated.

Entertaining game tonight, but we lose again to the red-hot D-Backs. The best we can hope for is a second-place tie by winning tomorrow and Sunday.

In spite of the incredible disappointment, at least they gave it a run and really only played four meaningless games this season (and only 19 since 1996). The brief glimpse of Bonds confirmed that we would've made a mockery of the West (more than it already is) had we had him and Benitez healthy for the brunt of the season.

Gleefully, I report the Dodgers own fourth place and recorded their 90th loss tonight. Once it became clear we wouldn't need to buy World Series tickets, my goal for the team is just to finish ahead of the Bums. Not only did they accomplish that, they won the season series 9-8 by winning the last three.

(Something Cal athletics has taught me, a lousy season can be forgotten if you crush your rival. Likewise, a great season can be tarnished by losing to The Farm.)

Unfortunately, the end of baseball season means football season, which usually is great except a) I'm not playing fantasy football for the first time since I had my own money, and b) the 49ers flat-out stink. Then we go on to basketball season (with the most blatantly awful officiating since Bush v. Gore, before spring training returns to relieve the pain.

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